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At the Clean Software Alliance, we expect all participants, contributors and members of our community to uphold the highest standards of ethical business conduct in their interaction with one another and with external parties. This code consists of principles and provisions we expect all participants, contributors and members to follow. Please read this code of conduct carefully.

Clean Software Alliance Code of Conduct

CSA Ethics

Respect for other participants, contributors and members

The CSA’s management believes that an environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves is a productive and creative one. For this reason, participants, contributors and members of the CSA must treat each other with dignity and respect.

Our standards

  • Show compassion and understanding towards others, embracing diverse experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds.

  • Be open-minded and respectful of different ideas, opinions, and approaches, encouraging healthy and thoughtful exchanges.

  • Offer constructive criticism in a manner that helps others grow, and accept feedback with professionalism.

  • Act in the best interest of the community ensuring that personal actions align with the collective goals and values of the group.


This code applies to all participants, contributors and members, as well as to any spaces where the CSA operates. It also extends to situations where an individual is representing the community in public, including the use of an official email address, posting on official social media accounts, or acting as an appointed representative at any online or offline event.


Compliance with laws and regulations

The CSA is committed to full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates. Participants, contributors and members will comply with all laws, rules and regulations, including any regulations regarding corruption and money laundering.



The CSA team is authorized and responsible for removing or editing any publication made within the CSA space if the content does not comply with the CSA’s code.


Respect for our partners

We value our business relationships and work to ensure they are based on mutual trust and respect. When we say something about our activities, we must be able to substantiate it. Therefore, all participants, contributors and members of the CSA are expected to act in good faith and with due care and diligence.




Who can you approach with questions regarding this code of conduct?

Please contact us at:

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